In 2552, the Human-Covenant war ended. No longer under the looming spectre of genocide, humanity begins to rebuild. In 2588, a rebel faction managed to steal a great majority of the UNSC's military and civilian technology, as well as information on covenant technology as well. Armed with this information, they departed UNSC space with three great colony ships- the Sif, the Vanir, and the Mimir. They eventually landed upon Instillation 06, which had them relatively close to Kig'yar and Jiralhane space. As they built, they maintained a mining-colony on the nearby moon of Alf, and used the gas giant Jotun for fuel. In 2590, Kig'yar scavengers discover their colony, and the ensuing conflict is known as the Battle for Instillation 06.
Running Dark is the story of this conflict.
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